Together or individually: Ramanujan, primes and scientific thinking [Professor Olivier Ramare, University of Marseille, France]

Co-Curricular: Together or individually: Ramanujan, primes and scientific thinking [Professor Olivier Ramare, University of Marseille, France]

Type: Co-Curricular – Other
Event Date: 16 Jan 2024

Venue: Class room 402
Campus: Belur Campus
Department: Mathematics


Impressive results on primes have been proved recently and Ramanujan has been at the start of a fundamental method that is nowadays used. We'll tell part of this story.


Activity Coordinator(s)
Faculty/Staff Name Details
Sukumar Das Adhikari (Primary Coordinator) Mathematics – Belur Campus
Stephan Baier Mathematics – Belur Campus

Participant Information
RKMVERI Faculty & Staff 5 (Male: 5, Female: 0)
RKMVERI Students 40 (Male: 30, Female: 10)