On the order sequence of a group [Dr. Hiranya Kishore Dey, IISC Bangalore]

Co-Curricular: On the order sequence of a group [Dr. Hiranya Kishore Dey, IISC Bangalore]

Type: Co-Curricular – Other
Event Date: 30 Apr 2024

Venue: Math Dept
Campus: Belur Campus
Department: Mathematics

Title: On the order sequence of a group


The order sequence of a finite group $G$ is the list of orders of elements of the group, arranged in non-decreasing order. Order sequences of groups of order $n$ are ordered by elementwise domination, forming a partially (pre)-ordered set. We will discuss some recent results about this poset. This is based on a joint work with Peter Cameron. 

Activity Coordinator(s)
Faculty/Staff Name Details
Stephan Baier (Primary Coordinator) Mathematics – Belur Campus

Participant Information
RKMVERI Faculty & Staff 5 (Male: 5, Female: 0)
RKMVERI Students 20 (Male: 15, Female: 5)